In the heat of summer Kevin ensures he always has his pager on him and a vehicle at the ready for the dash to the station if the alarm sounds. It doesn't take much for a fire to start in the countryside and every second counts to get on top of it before it gets out of control. But fires are just a small part of the job of volunteer fighters in communities like ours. They are also first responders to medical emergencies either to get there in advance of St Johns or to assist them if the situation requires it. The crew also respond to vehicle accidents and as we live on a State Highway we definitely see our share of those.
No matter what the hour or the circumstance Kevin leaps into action to respond to callouts along with attending training every Monday night. It's a big commitment but one Dayvinleigh is proud to support as part of our sustainably commitment to: Empower and support our team to act as proactive and responsible members of the community both in the work and home life.
