Having the Garden Club come to visit is like having a chef to dinner. Daunting!
But that wasn't the case when three carloads of ladies from the Wairau Valley Garden Club came to check out the Dayvinleigh Wetland today.
We plied them with muffins still warm from the oven and a round of flat whites while we showed them the master plan and shared the story of our years of dreaming and planning. Then it was off outside to check out the native seedlings we are growing. This led into an inspection of the vege garden and fruit trees. We picked up a few great tips just in time for pruning.
We then headed off down past the vineyard to the wetland, all the way reiterating that we were still at the inception stage, desperately trying to temper their expectations. We showed them the collection of rusty machinery waiting to become wetland art, the old trailer that will become a walking bridge across a stream and the grain silo that will one day be up-cycled into an outdoor bathroom. Then on through the long grass and along a waterway as we followed the path of our first plantings, then on to more unruly spaces that will one day be transformed.
How wonderful for us that they could see the potential and visualise what it will be like when the plants are established. They were all so supportive and excited about our project. There were offers of plants and a promise to schedule in an annual visit to check up on progress, next year with spades in hand for a working bee in return for another round of muffins and coffees.
Turned out to be a wonderful and rewarding morning. Cheers to the Wairau Valley Garden Club.
